Believe, Trust and Act!

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Just some things on my mind:

As you #LeadWithResilience you must believe, trust and act. No matter where you are, or what you do, you lead someone. So, as you do that, remember to open your heart, mind, soul and act in a way that will make you proud! Work to quell fear in yourself, strive to release any anxiety that may be building up inside of you, and believe.

Believe in the goodness, hearts, minds and souls of those you love, in the latent resilience that resides in each of us.

Trust that you, and I, and that we, will persevere!

And then, Act. Act in a way that will make you proud of who you are, proud of who you were, proud of the role model you are to those you lead.

Yes, it’s an election eve, and many are worried about the outcomes of the process, and how those outcomes might impact each of us, and those we care about. Yet, we have years of evidence that the people who know us, love us, and they trust in the knowledge that we, love them. We should all try to rest easy in that power that comes from this knowledge.

As strong individuals we cannot be defeated by disagreements, politics, or by maintaining any anger, frustration or angsts inside of us, unless we want to defeat ourselves. Seriously, if we trust in each other and ourselves, while the journey might be perceived and felt as rough or difficult, we will and can preserve through the worst of outcomes!

We also carry a huge responsibility to those we lead. Be they students, family members, workers, citizens, customers, we must lead with our integrity, dignity, and towards a future we want for ourselves and for them.

So, #LeadWithResilience Lead with your heart, mind, soul and your own actions! Lead with the knowledge you have gained, with love in your heart, and towards a better future for us all.

Dr. Rob Martinez is a 34-year educator who focuses on the importance of leadership, resilience, and empowering our youth to become the future of our society. You can follow Dr. Rob as @ResiliencyGuy on @Twitter, @Instagram, @Facebook, and on Linkedin.

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